The story of Lali Puna is
inextricably linked to that of the Morr Music label
itself. The band's classic Tridecoder album was the
second ever release on the imprint back in 1999 and
set a new template for electronic rock music that's
remained in place ever since. In parallel, Morr and
Lali Puna have evolved from humble, experimental beginnings
before eventually coming to represent the vanguard of
modern pop. Fronted by singer and keyboard player Valerie
Trebeljahr, Lali Puna's line-up is completed by drummer
Christoph Brandner (also of Tied & Tickled Trio), keyboard
player Christian Heiß and Markus Acher - an artist already
highly regarded for his work as part of The Notwist.
Over a decade of recording together, this band have
continued to grow in strength, confidence and studio
expertise. Cueing up a triumphant return to full operational
capability on their latest album Our Inventions. Lali
Puna are a band that both demand and amply reward the
investment of their audience over a full-length narrative.
Our Inventions is a defiantly complete listening experience
- one that exudes craftsmanship and captures the band
at the peak of their powers as songwriters.